The difference between only going for a boat ride and having great fun while cruising is the Boat Canvas. Boat canvases have outdoor Upholstery fabrics to keep you dry and cool in extreme weather conditions. If you are a person who is fond of outdoor living, you should have boat covers to save yourself from the harmful UV rays of the sun.
In this article, I have explained the importance of a clean boat canvas. I have also shown how to clean a boat canvas most efficiently. You will get an overall maintenance guide for your boat canvas here.
Importance of a Clean Canvas
A boat canvas can only save your boat from dust, dirt, and damages only if it is clean itself. So, it is not difficult to understand the importance of a clean canvas. However, the importance of a clean canvas can be further realized from some specific perspectives.
Protects from Damages
Owning a boat is like a long-term investment, and you expect a boat to be functional for at least some years. But the body structures of your boat can get damaged if you keep them open.
The metal parts of the boat will get rust if they get into contact with the moisture of the air. If you do not keep the deck and seats of the boat covered, molds can grow there.
Dirt and grime can absorb moisture from the air and then release it when there is a lot of heat. As a result, even if you cover your boat, it still may risk getting rust due to an unclean canvas.
So, keeping your boat covered with a clean canvas is very important to save them from obvious damages.
Comfortable Cruises
While cruising in harsh weather, you must wear comfortable clothes. But clothes are not enough to ensure your comfort. A canvas can make the sitting and resting area of the boat comfortable for you and your family while sailing.
It saves your children from getting sick by the unpredictable winds. Also, canvases can comfort you in the hot sun of the summer.
Increase Resale Value
No one knows what the future holds. Maybe you will wish to buy another new-model boat a couple of years later. You can change the brand of your water vehicle without spending a lot if you can sell the present boat for a good amount of money.
You will only be able to sell your boat at a good price if the condition of the boat is well enough. Using a clean canvas is the best way to keep your boat looking great for years.
Enhances Durability
Using a clean canvas on your boat will also make it more durable. A clean canvas will keep the crucial parts of the water vehicle fully functional for a long time.
So, it will also increase the value for money of your boat. We suggest you use a canvas on your boat to get a smoother service from it for a long time.
Saves Maintenance Cost
When you keep your boat safe with a canvas, all of its parts will remain as good as new. So, there will be a little necessity to repair them often.
That is how a boat canvas will save you a lot of money in the long run. You may use the saved money to plan some more cruises.
Maintains Healthy Environment
Your boat should be a fun place for you and your family. If the environment of your boat is not healthy enough, you will miss the fun. So, it is important to keep your boat clean for health reasons too.
When you are using a canvas on your boat, you are ensuring that no molds are growing inside the deck or the sitting area. Besides, the metal parts of the boat will not get rust easily if there is a canvas in the boat.
How to Maintain Your Boat Canvas?
Maintaining a boat canvas is not that difficult if you put in some effort regularly. There are four phases of maintenance for a boat canvas. They are cleaning, waterproofing, repairing, and replacing.
Cleaning is the most frequent maintenance that your boat canvas will need. You have to separately clean the cover, the window panel, and the metal structure of your boat canvas. All of these three parts of the canvas require different types of cleaning agents.
The frequency of cleaning the boat canvas will depend on how often you sail with the boat and the weather conditions of your cruises. There are two types of cleaning you need to perform on your canvas- regular cleaning and deep cleaning. You should do the regular cleaning at least once a month and do a deep cleaning after every six months.
To make the cover of the boat canvas protect the boat from the water, you need to keep them waterproof. For that, you have to apply waterproofing chemicals to the cover.
Boat canvases have acrylic canvas fabric. The uniqueness of this fabric is, it is waterproof and yet breathable. It can protect you from the ultraviolet rays of the sun and can also resist the growth of mildews. However, the waterproofing feature of the fabric diminishes after 3-4 years. Then, you need to soak the canvas with recommended chemicals to make it waterproof again.
Cleaning and waterproofing do not ensure that the boat canvas will remain the same all the time. As you know, time leaves its toll on everything. There will be a time when your boat canvas will require repairs.
Repairing a boat canvas may include patching holes, getting rid of rotten threads, removing mildews, etc. On average, a boat canvas requires repairing after 4-5 years.
Regular cleaning, timely waterproofing, and repairing are not enough to use a boat canvas forever. Like anything else, it also has an expiration date.
On average, boat owners need to change the canvas after every 15 years. However, remember that your canvas will only last that long if you have bought the best-quality canvas on the market.
How to Clean a Boat Canvas?
Cleaning a boat canvas is not that difficult but it involves some hard work. Here is a step-by-step guide to clean your boat canvas.
Step 1: First, you have to clear all the loose dirt and debris from the boat canvas. You need to do it before soaking the canvas with water. You can use a dry brush to do the job.
Step 2: Place the boat canvas in a wide-open space and rinse it with a hose or any other source of water. Make sure that every part of the canvas is wet.
Step 3: Now, take a soft-bristled brush and gently brush down the boat canvas. Do the brushing slowly and only in a single direction. You may damage the fabric of the canvas if you brush roughly.
Step 4: After brushing the canvas, it is time to apply a cleaning agent over it. You can use a mild soap as your cleaning agent or can make a cleaning agent yourself. You can make a cleaning agent by mixing warm water, white vinegar, and powdered borax.
Step 5: Let the canvas rest with the cleaning agent for 20 minutes. The chemical reaction between the fabric of the canvas and the cleaning agent will make the canvas clean.
Step 6: Now rinse off the boat canvas with a hose. Make sure that the canvas is free from the cleaning agent after the wash.
Step 7: Dry up the boat canvas in an open space where sun and air can get the moisture out of it. If you are in a hurry, you can use a hairdryer to speed up the drying process.
Bottom Line
In hot and humid weather, the sun is the main obstacle to outdoor living. Having a boat cover is a good way to keep your boat protected and your boating experience pleasant.
It’s important to note to keep your canvas clean to utilize all of its benefits.